30pin is an independent, self-published online magazine of the history of consumer technology. In a pursuit of understanding the world better, we are taking a deeper look at tools that amazed us—personal gadgets, home appliances, computers, and telecommunication devices.
We don’t limit ourselves with any particular decade. Instead of dates and generations, 30pin focuses on feelings once evoked by advances in consumer tech. We’d like to remind you of the time when every new feature or spec upgrade felt like a huge gap towards the future, and when the image of said future wasn’t yet murky because of privacy concerns or destructive effects on society.
30pin aims to be the place for a nuanced discussion of a tech history. By digging deep into past events, analyzing past trends, and reviewing them against the broader context, we aim to assist people researching their impact on people, business landscapes, and current life.
Why Should You Trust 30pin
The site is published and maintained by Yuri Litvinenko on his free time. He primarily works as an online editor at Kommersant, was previously working as a web news editor at Vedomosti, and has a history of contributions for Atlas Obscura, Nintendo Life, and other outlets. 30pin commissions guest articles to well-regarded authors and occasionally syndicates content from trusted media such as The Conversation.
Editorial principles, as well as relationships between a publisher, contributors, sponsors, and readers are outlined in the ethics statement, with all updates and changes made public.
30pin is a privacy-first publication. We aren’t based in a country with strict privacy rules and web tracking regulations, and yet, we voluntarily set our site up in a way which would keep the user in control of their data. All tracking on the 30pin web site is disabled until a reader chooses to opt in—and while that does impact our ability to collect usage data, we believe it’s essential for earning the people’s trust. In lieu of Google Analytics, we are using a privacy-focused Fathom solution which doesn’t collect any demographics data like assumed age, gender, or income. (30pin may earn a commission if you pay for the service after clicking the link.)
30pin’s legal entity is IP Litvinenko Iu. D., a sole proprietorship registered in Russia.
Credits & Acknowledgements
You can find the full list of contributors, complete with their contact info, at the authors page.
30pin logo and brand identity is by Froyo Tam, an artist and co-curator of the Y2K Aesthetic Institute. You can visit her site here.
Some of our tag pages are illustrated by photos made by free stock photo contributors. We’d like to credit these creatives:
The site’s theme is based on a Shoji template by Fueko. The modified theme uses Yess as the headline font. Copyright © ParaType, 2018. All rights reserved, used under license to IP Litvinenko Iu. D.