As a self-published project, 30pin is funded by its founder Yuri Litvinenko out of his pocket. There are no institutional sponsors and no dedicated fund: each payday, the publisher chips some share off his wages and puts into maintaining the site.

There is no immediate need for 30pin to turn a profit, which is why this site is not covered in ads or filled with low-effort content. But there is a need to offset expenses and accumulate funds to pay third-party editors and guest authors.

Help us make 30pin sustainable by supporting it. This online magazine was founded to host original stories which would be hard to pitch elsewhere, illustrated by high-quality historical photos which more general outlets would find impractical to license.

Pay Monthly or on a One-off Basis

The most straightforward way to support 30pin is to make a monthly pledge on Patreon. Paying patrons form the backbone of our readership, and regular donations allow us to better plan our expenses. For $4/mo and higher, 30pin patrons get the early access to the site’s content. Pledges start at $1/mo.

If you want to make a one-time tip, you can do so on Ko-fi. These tips are earmarked for commissioned articles, so Ko-fi is your best choice if you want to see more voices and perspectives on 30pin.

Pay Across the Net with Coil

30pin supports Web Monetization, an emerging technology which lets people on the web stream micropayments as they browse. Web Monetization is used by the Internet Archive and Creative Commons, two non-profits which work is essential to 30pin’s operation. (Creative Commons uses the technology for their CC Search tool.)

You can stream micropayments to 30pin and other Web-Monetized sites with Coil. As a Web Monetization provider, Coil takes $5/mo and distributes them 30pin and other supported web sites, YouTube and Twitch creators as you visit them.

What happens if you haven’t streamed away your $5 in a month? By default, the remainder goes to Coil. However, you can send it to 30pin by signing up for Coil membership through our affiliate link above.

Join Services We Use

Since our support suggestions are about offsetting the cost of operation, it’d make sense to post affiliate links to some services 30pin is built on. We are using them since the inception of the project, and long as links below are available, we are vouching for them.

Fathom Analytics is a privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. 30pin prides itself on not using any Google service, and this analytics tool—which doesn’t collect data like assumed age, gender, or income—provides a feature set reasonable for a one-person operation.
25% of your payments will go to 30pin, and you’ll get a $10 discount

We use iubenda as our consent solution. If you are a web site owner, you might need one for GDPR or CCPA compliance—but also for giving your visitors more control over what agents they want to deal with. The service also saves time and effort by generating and updating privacy and cookie policies.
30% of your payments will go to 30pin, and you’ll get 10% off your first year

Zoho is a business app suite, with services ranging from collaboration tools to CRM systems, help desk systems, and everything a small business may need. 30pin is using its email service for business correspondence.
15% of your payments will go to 30pin, and you’ll get a $100 credit

Every article published on 30pin is available for syndication (save for those we syndicate ourselves—they’ll have a corresponding tag and an URL slug). If you represent another publication and want to reprint some of our articles, I will be glad to discuss that. You can drop me an email at [email protected].

Share the Word!

Genuine and educated attention is the most valuable token of support to any hard-working journalist. If you know someone who may like what we’re doing, give us a shoutout! Check out our Twitter and Facebook account to not miss new stories! And if you writing for other outlets or blogs, put a spotlight on our reporting. (We have a special page for editors who want to syndicate our content.)